Switching from student to skilled worker or other sponsored work visas restricted – UK

The switching restrictions are introduced to ensure that students are generally not switching in country to another visa route until they have completed their courses. At present some students abandon their courses and apply for skilled worker or other work visa before completing their studies. This is no longer permitted under the new immigration rules. The following major change is being made to the student route:

• Removing the ability for international students to switch out of the student route into work routes before their studies have been completed (switching restrictions).

Students on courses at degree level or above will be able to apply for skilled worker, other sponsored visas or other work visas, before course completion, as long as their employment start date is not before their course completion. Those studying towards PhDs will be able to switch after 24 months’ study.

Students can only switch to work visas after completion of the course or be studying a full-time course of study leading to the award of a PhD with a higher education provider which has a track record of compliance and have completed at least 24 months of study on that course. Work visas include skilled worker and global business mobility visas and all the other work visas, including Ancestry visa, Global Talent visa, Innovator Founder, Scale Up, High Potential Individual, Minister of Religion.

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